What is the difference between a Homeowner and a Co-Owner?
All Homeowners are Co-owners of the Association. The two terms are interchangeable. The word Co-Owner is often used when addressing anything that is jointly owned by all members of the Association (such as all Common Area parks) or applies to all homeowner members of the Association.
When do I need to submit a request to make a change to the outside of my unit?
An ACC Request form must be submitted for approval by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) for all changes to the outside of the unit or any portion of your external property in advance of the project. If you are doing maintenance work, such as repainting a shed the same color or repairing a step, then you do not need ACC approval. The exception to this rule is when replacing a roof on your property. An ACC Request form must be submitted by each unit owner of the building so that the Association can document the date of roof replacement.
Do I need to submit an ACC request to cut down a tree or bush in my own yard?
Yes, an ACC Request form must be submitted for approval prior to removing any tree or bush. Please refer to your Bylaws to see “ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AND BUILDING RESTRICTIONS” located in Article VI, Section 1(b)… “No natural vegetation, plants, trees or other types of vegetation may be planted or removed without approval of the ACC.”

ACC Design & Development Guidelines #15, “…All stumps shall be removed or ground to below the surface at the time of tree removal…” Please note that removal of dead or fallen trees does NOT require ACC approval. However, if you want to replace the tree or bush, an ACC Request form must be submitted and approved prior to removal. MISS DIG should always be contacted before removing any tree or bush as the roots could be attached to underground water or sewer lines. Removing the stump could potentially cause damage to the lines resulting in a costly repair to the homeowner. In such cases, we advise just having the stump ground to below the surface, covered and re-seeded.

Can I choose any color to paint my unit?
No. If you have a unit or out building that needs the paint refreshed than you will need to repaint or re-stain it the same color. However, if you would like to change the color you will need to submit a request for approval. If you live in a duplex or fourplex many changes must be agreed on by all the owners of that building, such as changing the color of the shutters.
What are the regulations regarding For Sale signs?
The sign must be a standardized sign approved by the Board of Directors. Approved Standardized Signs are available for purchase at Truly Yours, 116 N. State Street, Oscoda, MI 739-7060. One (1) sign may be placed inside the unit in a front window or the front door on the first floor. No Sign may be located outside the unit.

Before a standardized sign can be erected in the Condominium project, the Co-owner of the unit for sale must register the Sign in the Villages of Oscoda Owners’ Association office located at 5631 Georgia Drive, Oscoda, Michigan 48750. If a real estate agent is listing the unit, they also must sign an agreement form. No sign may be displayed unless properly registered at the Association office.

How can I pay my HOA dues?
Payments can be made by check or money order through mail, in person, or by leaving in our drop box located at the Clubhouse/Office. You may also sign up for Automatic withdrawal from your bank account at no additional cost. Payments are due by the first of the month, but we do offer a 10-day grace period. On the 11th day of the month, a $10.00 late fee is applied. You may also pay up to 12 months in advance.
How can I find out the status of my account?
You may call the office and inquire.
Does the HOA recommend any service providers for residents?
Please note that the HOA does not recommend or endorse any contractors providing services directly to residents. We do offer a list of local contractors used and recommended by other Homeowners.
What are “ByLaws”?
A set of rules or guidelines regarding the operation of a non-profit corporation such as the Villages of Oscoda, HOA. Bylaws generally set forth definitions of offices and committees involved with the successful operation of the Association. The Bylaw also includes what the Association’s responsibilities are as well as what the Homeowner’s responsibilities are.
Does the Association offer Recycling options?

The Association does not offer a recycling program. Recycling is an individual choice by each homeowner. The only local business that we are aware of that offers recycling is Waste Management. You may call them for details at 1-800-796-9696. 

On what day is trash collected?
Trash is picked up on Monday mornings and must be placed curb-side by 6:00am. It may also go out the night before if properly contained. There is a weekly limit of 6 bags or trash cans per week and must be under 50 pounds each.
On what day is yard waste collected?
Yard waste is picked up on Friday mornings and should be placed curb-side by 8:00 am, It may also go out the night before if it’s not raining. Yard waste must be bagged in the tall lawn/leaf paper bags with your unit number written on the side. There is a weekly limit of 6 yard waste bags per week and must be under 30 pounds each. Bags must not contain any type of plastic, trash, dirt or dog waste.
Can I mow my own yard?
Yes. You can put yourself on the No Mow List, No Fertilizer List or the No Yard Cleanup List. You can go on one list or any combination of the three. You will then be responsible for the upkeep of your lawn. Stop in the office to fill out the form or send us an email. It must be done every year.
Who do I call if I see something suspicious or witness a crime?
Immediately contact 911. They are equipped to handle illegal issues and time is often of the upmost importance.
What do I do if I am experiencing a sewer backup?
If you suspect you are experiencing a sewer backup during office hours, call the HOA office at 989-739-4915. We will take care of contacting Oscoda Septic, which is the company we have a service agreement with. If the office is closed, you may contact Oscoda Septic yourself at 989-739-0000. Please call and leave a message on the office phone so that we will be aware of what occurred during our absence and follow up the issue.
When is the Village-Wide Yard Sale?
The first weekend following Memorial Day. Please sign up in the office.
How do I Reserve the Clubhouse for an event?
Contact the office to see if the date of your event is still available. If your event is during normal office hours, we require a $50 refundable Deposit. If your event is during non-office hours, we require a $50 non-refundable Reservation Fee and a $250 refundable deposit. You will need to fill out a Clubhouse Reservation Agreement and provide a rider from your insurance company covering the date of the event.