What is the difference between a Homeowner and a Co-Owner?
When do I need to submit a request to make a change to the outside of my unit?
Do I need to submit an ACC request to cut down a tree or bush in my own yard?
ACC Design & Development Guidelines #15, “…All stumps shall be removed or ground to below the surface at the time of tree removal…” Please note that removal of dead or fallen trees does NOT require ACC approval. However, if you want to replace the tree or bush, an ACC Request form must be submitted and approved prior to removal. MISS DIG should always be contacted before removing any tree or bush as the roots could be attached to underground water or sewer lines. Removing the stump could potentially cause damage to the lines resulting in a costly repair to the homeowner. In such cases, we advise just having the stump ground to below the surface, covered and re-seeded.
Can I choose any color to paint my unit?
What are the regulations regarding For Sale signs?
Before a standardized sign can be erected in the Condominium project, the Co-owner of the unit for sale must register the Sign in the Villages of Oscoda Owners’ Association office located at 5631 Georgia Drive, Oscoda, Michigan 48750. If a real estate agent is listing the unit, they also must sign an agreement form. No sign may be displayed unless properly registered at the Association office.
How can I pay my HOA dues?
How can I find out the status of my account?
Does the HOA recommend any service providers for residents?
What are “ByLaws”?
Does the Association offer Recycling options?
The Association does not offer a recycling program. Recycling is an individual choice by each homeowner. The only local business that we are aware of that offers recycling is Waste Management. You may call them for details at 1-800-796-9696.